RCIA form
R.C.I.A. Night of Inquiry
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) will hold a Night of Inquiry on Wednesday, September 24th at 7:00 PM in the Trinity Center for anyone wanting to learn more about the Catholic Faith. All are welcome. For more information, please contact Father Will at 215-357-1300 ext. 114.
RCIA(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) has been identified mistakenly as “convert classes.” While RCIA is the manner for unbaptized adults, and adults of other Christian Churches to become members of the Catholic Church, RCIA deeply touches all aspects of Church life. In short, RCIA is the way we are Church.
RCIA is a prayer of the Church that springs from God the Father’s relentless and passionate desire that all respond to the offer of Divine Love in His Son, Jesus the Christ, and manifest that love in the power of the Holy Spirit as members of the Body of Christ to the world.
To search, to belong, to mature, to be nourished, to continue growing, to love and be loved: these and others are fundamental stirrings of the human heart. Our lives are lived in a manner of seeking satisfaction of these very deep hungers throughout the journey of life. RCIA is the experience of discovering that one’s journey is caught up in the mystery of God’s loving plan for all people.
For adults who sense a desire to become members of the Catholic Church, RCIA is the prayerful manner in which the journey to Catholic Christianity unfolds. Ordinarily, the journey follows the Church’s Liturgical Year and culminates in the Celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection at the Easter Vigil.
For adults who are Catholic, RCIA involves a number of ministries such as catechists, sponsors and hospitality to name only a few. Many parishioners have found RCIA to be helpful in their own Faith journey as they come to join in the prayer and teachings that characterize many gatherings of RCIA. These same parishioners have often commented that RCIA enabled the experience of Faith to come alive and flow from the heart.
Are you or someone you know hungering for a sense of belonging to God and to a Faith community? Are you or someone you know thirsting for a deeper experience of the heart when it comes to God and the Faith community? Are you intrigued by RCIA or have other questions? Please call NOW: strike while the “iron is hot” and the Spirit is knocking, 215-357-1300, extension 100.