Bishop Christopher Cooke in his role as regional auxiliary bishop for Bucks County will be making an official pastoral visitation to OLGC on Sunday, February 16, 2025. He will be the celebrant of the 10:00AM Mass and will be available to greet parishioners in the gym after the Mass during the CYO Social. Please plan to attend and greet Bishop Cooke!

Watch The Latest Mass/Liturgy Video Livestreamed From OLGC

Mass Schedule

Sunday Mass
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM

In addition, the 4:30 PM Vigil Mass will be livestreamed on our website beginning at 4:20 PM each Saturday.
Daily Mass
Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM
Saturday: 8:00 AM

Holy Days of Obligation
The schedule varies throughout the year. Please check the website or the Parish Bulletin immediately prior to the Holy Day for the schedule.

All Masses are in the Upper Church. The Mass Schedule is also available by calling 215-357-1300 and choosing option 5.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday: 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Also by appointment


Eucharistic Adoration
Monday through Friday: 9:30 AM until 2:00 PM (unless there is a Funeral)
Saturday and Sunday: None
Holy Rosary
Monday through Saturday: 8:30 AM
Monday: 6:30 PM*
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Monday: 7:00 PM*
Miraculous Medal Novena
Monday: 7:30 PM followed by Benediction*

*Please Note: Evening Devotions will not take place on national holidays or holy days of obligation.