Baptism of Children

The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the First Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. Baptisms must be scheduled in advance, so please call the parish office at 215-357-1300 to schedule your child’s baptism.

Please return the baptismal information envelope to the parish office at least two weeks prior to the scheduled baptism to guarantee your date.

Pre-Jordan Baptism Instruction

A baptismal session for first-time parents (or parents who have never attended a baptismal preparation session) is mandatory prior to the baptism of your child, and we encourage the godparents to also attend. We also welcome parents who have already attended a prior session to take a refresher course, as it will give them a better grasp of the importance of this sacrament.

Sessions take place in the Fitzgerald Room of the Trinity Center, typically on the third Thursday of each month and only when there are participants registered. The class starts promptly at 7:00 PM and is approximately an hour long. Lay catechists conduct the classes, and we invite all attendees to participate actively during the instruction, asking whatever questions come to mind as we review the essentials of the rite.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please call the parish office at 215-357-1300 for more information and to schedule a session.

Baptism Letter

Click here to view our letter to parents regarding their child’s baptism here at OLGC.

Dear Parents:

Your child’s baptism into the Catholic faith is a time for great joy and celebration. The very fact that you have asked to have your child baptized shows that you recognize the importance of God in your life and seek to pass on the Catholic heritage to your child. The Church – in particular, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish – rejoices with you as you make arrangements for your baby’s baptismal date.

Since your child is too young to speak for him/herself, the Church allows you to answer the questions of faith asked during the Sacrament of Baptism. In order to assist you in your child’s faith development, enclosed is a Catholic Update that explains the Sacrament of Baptism. In addition, a baptismal session for first time parents (or parents who have never attended a baptismal preparation session) is required prior to the baptism of your child. Please speak with our Parish Secretary to register for the session that you wish to attend.

From her earliest days the Church has realized that the newly baptized would benefit from additional support in their faith life from a member of the Church community called a godparent. Even though the Church requires only one godparent, it is permissible to select a godmother and a godfather to assist you in your role as the primary teachers of your child’s faith.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church cites that a godparent is someone who is “a firm believer, able and ready to help the newly baptized on the road of Christian life.” It is expected, therefore, that a godparent be a practicing Catholic, at least be 16 years old, have no canonical impediments, and attend the baptismal session with the parent(s).

If the godparent is not a member of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, he/she must obtain a letter of eligibility from his/her parish which states that this person is a practicing Catholic.

Please complete the baptismal information envelope (included in this package) and place the letter(s) of eligibility inside this envelope. Return the completed envelope to the Trinity Center no later than two weeks prior to the date of baptism.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and God’s blessings on you and your family as you prepare for this important and happy occasion in your child’s life.


Rev. Robert G. Suskey, Pastor
Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Tracy, Parochial Vicar

Adults Seeking to Become Catholic/OLGC OCIA

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) program brings new members into the Church and welcomes fully initiated Catholics who would like a better understanding of the Church’s fundamental teachings. Meetings are held from September through May on Sunday afternoons following the 12:00 PM Mass starting at 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM in the Fitzgerald Room in the Trinity Center. For more information, please contact Kevin Madison at [email protected] or 215-357-1300, extension 107.

Sacrament of Matrimony

We at OLGC sincerely hope that all our parishioners who become engaged will choose to be married at OLGC and contact us as soon as possible after their engagement. Couples planning to marry must contact the parish office to meet with a priest at least six months before the planned wedding date. It is important to contact the Church and meet with the priest before making arrangements with a reception venue. The bride and/or groom must be a registered member of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish. Available wedding times at OLGC are NO LATER than 2:00pm on Saturdays and NO EARLIER than 4:00pm on weekdays during the school year.

Please note that wedding arrangements are not made by Trinity Center staff members or receptionists. In order to schedule a wedding at Our Lady of Good Counsel, you will need to contact the parish office at 215-357-1300 and leave your contact information for one of our parish priests. This is true even if you plan to have a visiting priest perform your wedding ceremony.

Marriage Preparation Process at Our Lady of Good Counsel

Click here to view the details on the marriage preparation process here at OLGC.

Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation

The Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation is available on Saturdays from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM. Additional dates and times will be scheduled during Advent and Lent, so please check the website and the bulletin for more information. The sacrament is also available by appointment, and you may contact the parish office at 215-357-1300 to arrange for a priest to celebrate this sacrament.

Anointing of the Sick/Communion of the Sick

Members of the parish who begin to be seriously sick through illness or old age may contact the parish office at 215-357-1300 to arrange for a priest to celebrate this sacrament. Holy Communion for the homebound is available upon request and is arranged through the parish office.

It is also advisable to make arrangements to receive the Anointing of the Sick before undergoing any serious surgical procedures. The Anointing of the Sick is available any time upon request, and you may call the parish office at 215-357-1300 or see a priest after any Mass to arrange for it.

Holy Orders

Any single man of the parish (high school or college graduate) interested in the Diaconate or Priesthood, as well as anyone interested in the religious life, should contact one of the parish priests for further direction.

Sacramental Information For School Age Children

Click here for more information regarding the current sacramental schedule for school age children here at OLGC.