Parish Mission Statement
Guided by the Holy Spirit, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish dedicates itself to serving Jesus as a parish community. We support one another on our journey to grow in love for Christ and for our neighbors. We serve the needs of our parish, our community and our world by sharing our gifts of time, talent and treasure. We strive to build a strong, personal faith along with commitment and concern for others which will bring others closer to the Lord.
Through God’s grace and through the intercession of Our Lady of Good Counsel, we strive to accomplish our mission by faithfully pursuing the following objectives:
- Reverently express our devotion to Christ through our celebration of Mass and the sacraments, with increased awareness of and devotion to the Eucharist. Encourage our parishioners’ participation in our many ministries to enhance our liturgical celebration. Create a welcoming environment for parishioners, new members and visitors to our church.
- Recognize that our parish is a gift from God Our Father and respond to our calling to help those in need by willingly giving our time, talent and treasure to serve the faith community. Show our love for God and neighbor by our actions.
- Provide faith formation and spiritual renewal opportunities for all. Foster Catholic education through our accredited parish school and PREP programs. Commit to continued faith formation through programs for young people, adults and those wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith.
We pray for the intercession of our Patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel, and all of the Saints to assist us in our efforts to grow as a parish fully alive in Jesus Christ, our Lord.