Altar Servers

Altar servers assist the Priest during all Masses, Funerals, Weddings and Special Liturgies. Students must be in 5th grade or older to participate. Contact Kevin Madison at [email protected].

Baptism Preparation Class/Pre-Jordan

The classes are designed to prepare new parents and godparents for the Baptism of a child, giving them a thorough understanding of the sacrament. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday at 7PM in the Fitzgerald Room in the Trinity Center. Contact the parish offices at 215-357-1300 for more information.

Communion Ministry

Daily and Sunday Mass – Assist the Priest in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at daily and Sunday Mass. Contact Lorraine Rice at [email protected] or 215-322-2785.
You can view the current schedules of Communion Ministers by clicking here.

Homebound – Visits and distributes the Body of Christ to those Parishioners who are unable to attend Mass due to age or illness. Contact JoFran Garson at [email protected].

Eucharistic Adoration

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament provides time for individual prayer. Exposition is on Mondays from 9:30AM to 7:30PM and First Fridays from 11AM to 2PM. Contact Jack Martin at [email protected] or 267 684-6042.

Funeral Planning Ministry

Volunteers meet with family members to prepare the Mass of Christian Burial for loved ones, including readings and music for the Mass. Prearrangement Packets are available on the Parish website by clicking here.

Lector Ministry

Lectors read the Word of God and Prayer of the Faithful during Daily and Sunday Mass. Contact Lorraine Rice at [email protected] or 215-322-2785.
You can view the current schedules of Lectors by clicking here.

Martha Ministry

Cleaning the Church – Individuals clean the Church on a regular basis. Contact Bob Kozlowski at 215 357-1300 EXT 119.
Others decorate the Church for Christmas and Easter. Contact Mary Luberda at [email protected] or 215-942-7475.

Purificators – are washed and ironed on a regular basis. Contact Marietta Ginieczki at [email protected].

Music Ministry

Adult Choir – This group of women and men provide beautiful liturgical and sacred music throughout the year. Practice is Tuesday evenings at 7PM. Contact Joan Kozlowski at 215 357-1300 EXT 206.

La Schola Choir – Is comprised of young women, high school age and beyond. La Schola sings monthly at the 5:15 Mass and at our annual Parish Christmas concert. Any young adult who has choral experience is welcome. Contact Joan Kozlowski, EXT 206.

Children’s OLGC Choir – Is comprised of school children in grades 3-8. Practice is at lunchtime. The children sing for all school liturgies and for the Christmas Concert and Christmas Eve Mass.

OLGC PREP Choir – Sings for the Parish Christmas Concert and Christmas Eve Mass. All children in grades 3-8 are eligible.

Nursing Home Visitation

Each Wednesday Mass is celebrated in one of the four Nursing facilities within the Parish boundaries as well as distributing the Eucharist on Sundays.
1st Wednesday – Manor Care – Ken Penko – 215-674-0429
2nd Wednesday – Luther Park – Al Zielinski – 215-355-3654
4th Wednesday – Southampton Estates
Contact John Saracino at 215-322-2466.

Usher/Greeter Ministry

In the spirit of service and hospitality ushers great and welcome parishioners and assist with the collection of Saturday/Sunday envelopes. They also guide parishioners for reception of Holy Communion and distribute the Church bulletin after Mass. Please contact Ken Gioffre at [email protected].