OLGC Directory
(Check back often as additional staff and organizations are added to this list.) To e-mail a person, click on the person’s name.
Parish Office Email Address: [email protected]
To place a telephone call to a person, call the parish at 215-357-1300. When prompted for the extension number, enter the appropriate 3-digit number.
NOTE: If you are calling regarding a medical EMERGENCY and need a priest for the sacraments, DO NOT call an extension number. Rather, speak to a receptionist. If calling when the Trinity Center is closed, the phone will provide an option to reach a priest.
Have a bulletin announcement for consideration? Send it to the Weekly Bulletin.
Monday, Tuesday & Friday: 10:00AM – 5:00PM
Wednesday & Thursday: 10:00AM – 8:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM – 2:00PM
Extension |
Name |
Title |
0 |
Rev. Robert G. Suskey |
Pastor |
0 | Msgr. Joseph A. Tracy | Parochial Vicar |
0 | Bernadette Clune | Parish Admin. Asst. to the Pastor |
104 | Barbara Riley | School Principal |
117 | Martha Matysik | School Office Manager |
134 | Kristal Alexander | Direcctor of Religious Education |
107 | Kevin Madison | OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) |
176 | Dave Clune | Business Manager |
206 | Joan Kozlowski | Director of Music |
105 | Mary Wojciechowski | Parish Bulletin |
131 | Vicki Francis | Youth Ministry Coordinator |
160 | Kelly Amenhauser | Geriatric Care Manager, Catholic Social Services |
132 | Terry Smith | SCRIP Coordinator |